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Textile Art

I offer a selection of textile based paintings that are presented in ready to frame format. Each painting is presented on a laser cut mount board and is finished off with a laser cut picture frame. All you need to do is to have the work framed under glass. The preference is for a box frame so the actual textile work does not come into contact with the glass. This will preserve your painting for a very long time. Only under glass framing is recommended to preserve the archival quality of the work and keep it dust free. The three big enemies of any textile painting are dust (which is acidic), direct sunlight and moisture.

Each painting is unique and created only after a lot of design elements have been put together into a meaningful manner. The base is hand dyed Merino tops I design and dye myself here at home. Every summer all you can see on the washing line are loads of wonderfully dyed up Merino tops, ready for the coming year. I prefer the hot weather for hand dyeing my Merino tops as the heat really fluffs up the tops into a soft presentation which is ideal for my art work. I also hand dye a lot of ready to knit/crochet Australian Merino wool during the hot weather for the same reason. The textile painting backgrounds range from a combination of handmade felt or soft wool prefelt which I then proceed to finish up and felt the old fashioned way which is a lot of hard but rewarding work. I also incorporate hand dyed cotton scrim into a lot of my textile paintings for wonderful textural enjoyment. The paintings are sometimes top felted with an electric embellisher machine or dry needle felting.  Sometimes I use both methods of dry felting to enhance the painting.  I also add further layers of hand dyed Merino tops on the top layer, along with other interesting textile inclusions. The final layer is only sewn in after the paintings are left for a few days. I must be happy with the foundation before proceeding. Top layers include a variety of metallic and cotton embroidery floss used in free form hand embroidery and also hand sewn beadwork for added texture. Some textile paintings also contain gorgeous wire ribbon and textile paint. Each painting may take up to two weeks to design and create. You cannot rush art. Whilst some of the paintings may look small, they take just as long as the larger ones to design, create and finish off.

Some of my textile paintings contain environmental messages aimed at that privileged element of unthinking and greedy humanity in positions of power who are so divorced from the environment, they choose to chase the dollar rather than consider environmental needs.

Each painting is a unique work of art presented at an affordable price.

I have a good selection of framed under non reflective glass felt paintings in my workroom. You can see some of them hanging in my workroom wall in the “Workroom” part of this website.  Just click on the images on the “Workroom” page and they will expand to show the full image. The framed under glass workroom paintings can only be purchased via personal visit. The framed and under non reflective glass paintings in my workroom have commission free prices attached so a visit is well worth your time. Please hop over to the “Contact” page and drop me a line to plan a visit.