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Indie Dyed Merino Tops


Indie dyed roving for weaving, spinning up, felting, knitting or crochet. Australian Merino. Gently kettle dyed over an entire day to produce one single cake. Weight is approximately 102 grams. 22 micron count.

This roving is unique in colour and design. The colour is a subdued riot of combinations; a veritable kaleidoscope of visual delight.

All my rovings are one of a kind creations. Each roving you see here takes four days to make from start to finish.  Each presentation is one of a kind.

Split up the roving lengthways into thinner strips and spin these up. Match each stripped length or turn each one around to vary the colourway. Cake up the finished spun hank and spin from the outside and center of the ball at the same time to create a 102 gram hank of two ply wool. Consider plying the finished spun roving with another colour or fibre altogether to increase the thickness and weight of this roving. A versatile product.


1 in stock